Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Thanks Y'all

Thanks to all the men who love us even when we don't love ourselves. We wouldn't leave you if or when your body looks different through the years, but we half expect you to do it to us. But you don't. Because you are true lovers and really friggin awesome.

Thanks to the friends who tell us to shut up when we start bashing our own physical appearance.

Thanks to time, who has shown me that looks come and go and come and go again sometimes. Time reminds me that it's the memories I remember, not a number on a stupid box.

Thanks to the brother of a friend who pointed out that dads don't usually pass down low self esteem to their sons, but mothers almost always unknowingly do to our daughters. We hate ourselves every time we look in a mirror and think they don't notice. This same man has a wife and two daughters and mentioned that it breaks his heart to hear these beautiful women, who are his world, regularly degrade themselves. He wants it to stop.

A huge thanks to Jesus who said I am wonderfully made. *throws up peace sign to my heavenly homie...

Thanks to you for reading this and hopefully rethinking how you see yourself. You probably have loved ones of all shapes, colors, and sizes, and you probably don't love them more or less based on one of those attributes. So why do you think they do that to you?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Anywhere and everywhere.

If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. (Psalms 139:8 HCSB)

I love this verse.

David had a revelation of the goodness of God. Of the greatness of Yahweh. 

We can have confidence that He is wherever we are. Even when we feel so very alone. He is always with us. He's a good Father. Turn to Him today. Even now. Call out to Him. He is never far away. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Love Their Guts

Sometimes Fisher will stop what he's doing just to touch me on the arm or face and then he goes back to what he's doing. So basically he needed to have contact with me before he could continue his little three year old activities.

Elli Graces favorite thing to do is to have her back scratched. I've found that telling her to lay down on my lap for a back scratch will calm even the biggest tantrums with her.

Lauren will clean things for me without even being asked. She also tells me that she likes my hair/makeup/outfit when I'm getting ready to go anywhere, without fail, every time.

All I have to do for Archer at nap time or bedtime is grab his binkie and his blanket. He lays his head on my shoulder the very moment I start singing Jesus Loves Me. He also likes to gently squeeze my nose to make it 'honk.'

I just thought I knew how to love before I had kids. They've taught me more about Gods love for us than 24 years without them did. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014


God will always offend those who don't know how much He loves them.

Love covers a multitude of sins.

Love bears all things, believes all thing, hopes all things.

Love never ends.

God is love.

God. Is. Love. 

We can love money. Money cannot love us back. We can love people, but people are broken and don't always know how to love us back. We can love the earth, the earth has shown us time and again that it absolutely cannot and will not love us back.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights. With whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17

Everything good in our lives comes from a Father who loves, because He is love. I recently read a blog that centered around God and His giving. That He is a giver and not a taker. ( 

I pray that you seek the true nature of God. I pray that He reveals to you on a daily basis just how much love He truly desires to lavish upon you. He's not mad at you. He doesn't keep a log of how many hours a day you do or do not read your bible. He's a good daddy who wants to spend time with you. A daddy who gave so so much to make sure we had a way back to Him. He has given us free will because He wants us to choose to love Him. We make messes with our free will. But the moment we choose Him, the moment we choose to accept His sons sacrifice, is the moment we choose life, a life overflowing with love love love.

Choose the love of Yahweh today.

Read Romans 10:9-10 and choose His saving grace.

I really hope you do. I would love to hear about it.

Friday, June 13, 2014

I Am as Free as You Are

'I don't want kids. I want my freedom. '

'No I don't have kids, I have a life!'

Which means, as a mother of four, I have no freedom and no life.


I had the freedom to choose to get pregnant.

I have the freedom to love and raise four little precious lives.

I have a life that is made even more full by those sticky little people.

I get more kisses than most people.

I am never bored.

I laugh more now than I ever have, and I laughed a lot before I had kids.

The list of good goes on...

A lot of women that I hold very dear have said these hurtful things in front of me....a lot. I just wanted to have an outlet for my feelings, instead of saying something snarky at that moment.....which is what I want to do.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Silly Selfies

People got all huffy when they added 'selfie' to the dictionary. Not sure why. It's a word that describes an action. And let's be honest, you've taken a selfie in your lifetime. I've taken more than my share......a large portion of them with a camera that requires film.......


Let's Try Something Different

Why do we freak out about the ten commandments being in school?  How about tacking this one up:

1 Corinthians 13:13 AMP
And so faith, hope, love abide [faith–conviction and belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things; hope–joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love–true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Apparently law alone hasn't worked for us thus far. I get that we need rules. Everybody gets that. We know already. We're taught from birth to obey. But no one wants to obey a command from someone they think hates them or at best is indifferent towards them.

John 14:15 ESV
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments."

We keep His commandments BECAUSE we love Him. I could go be with another man.......BUT I DONT WANT TO! WHY? Because I love my husband. See where I'm going with this?