Thanks to all the men who love us even when we don't love ourselves. We wouldn't leave you if or when your body looks different through the years, but we half expect you to do it to us. But you don't. Because you are true lovers and really friggin awesome.
Thanks to the friends who tell us to shut up when we start bashing our own physical appearance.
Thanks to time, who has shown me that looks come and go and come and go again sometimes. Time reminds me that it's the memories I remember, not a number on a stupid box.
Thanks to the brother of a friend who pointed out that dads don't usually pass down low self esteem to their sons, but mothers almost always unknowingly do to our daughters. We hate ourselves every time we look in a mirror and think they don't notice. This same man has a wife and two daughters and mentioned that it breaks his heart to hear these beautiful women, who are his world, regularly degrade themselves. He wants it to stop.
A huge thanks to Jesus who said I am wonderfully made. *throws up peace sign to my heavenly homie...
Thanks to you for reading this and hopefully rethinking how you see yourself. You probably have loved ones of all shapes, colors, and sizes, and you probably don't love them more or less based on one of those attributes. So why do you think they do that to you?