Lauren is the most persistent child I have ever met. If I don't acknowledge her questions/comments/requests within the first millisecond, she will repeat herself 38 times. Or when she wants me to watch her do something, if I'm not looking directly at her at the very moment she glances up at me I hear 'Mom! Look!'
It's funny. I can't convince her that I've seen her do it a thousand times. Or that I almost always will refill her cereal or find her shoes that match her favorite dress even if it's not in what she considers a 'timely manner.'
She is my first born. I cherish my time with her.
We are completely different personalities. I can already see glimpses of a neatly organized, maybe slightly bossy, affectionate, wonderful young woman in the making. She is such a sweet big sister, and is mostly pretty amiable.
She teaches me many many life lessons, but the one I'm thinking of at this moment is: Persistence. She teaches me to be persistent in parenting. To not give up on myself as a mother. As most four year olds she can be as happy as can be moments after being mad as a hornet, and for this I am grateful. Because even after she has to go sit on her bed for five minutes because she thinks the rules are optional, she will still come 'give me loves.'
From this I'm reminded that when disciplined by my Father, I can always still love on Him. Because his discipline comes from a love for me, not from disdain for an unruly (although grown) child.
He loves me. I may need a time out every now and then, but He never hates me. And like my four year old, I desire His attention in my life like I never have before. I want to know he listens to things I won't even say. I want to know He sees me when I dance for Him. I want to be reassured of His love for me, more than a few times a day. And the more I look, and the more thankful I am, I start to see these reassurances all around me. Being a mother has taught me so much about the love of the Father.
So friends, if you give good gifts to your kids because you love them, imagine the gifts our Father wants to give us, all because He loves us. His kids.
He hears our inaudible cries for attention. He wants fellowship with us. Even when we mess up, we are still His children, made in His image, and He wants us. Always.
So take a lesson from Lauren: Keep asking and seeking. Even if you don't get the response you want right away, one will come.
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