Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sometimes I Need Reminders

1 Thess 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. KJV

I was driving. And, maybe it's wrong, but the rear view mirror's purpose in my truck, is to view the occupants of the back seat. I can't be the only one. The four year old and the two and a half year old are holding hands. I melt. They then proceed to whisper something silly that makes both of them throw their different colored heads back and laugh hysterically.

I can't help but be pulled back to the 1980's. We shared jackets, as in wearing them at the same time. We played ridiculously awesome bedtime games. She fixed my hair for me even though it was not the same length/color/texture as her own. 'Meak Arms.' We fought over who the remaining My Little Pony belonged to (the purple one was definitely mine, thank you very much.) I could seriously go on and on. And then I could go even further because I have two younger sisters as well.

So when I look and see my two daughters sitting on my mothers couch holding hands and saying an unprompted prayer of thanks, all I can do is stare in wonder and give my own thanks to my heavenly Father that I have been blessed. Blessed to be their mother. Blessed to watch them grow and learn. Blessed to have these same memories with my sisters.

In these prayers of thanks, I've learned that my life is so much more than I've seen it to be. I've always been thankful for my blessings. For the things we know to be thankful for. But life is the little things. So when I start to thank Him for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I begin to realize that He is in the little things. Like two tiny sisters holding hands. Or the fat rolls on my 6 month old. And my husband's very manly beard. I'm blessed beyond comprehension. But I gain understanding each time I say 'Thank You, God, for....'

It doesn't have to be this grand gesture of sorts. When you tell the cashier thank you, and genuinely mean it, it's not this huge thing that the entire store will hear and see. We talk about how prayer is JUST a conversation with God. But for me, I don't take that to heart in my prayer time. I always seem to talk to Him with reservation. Like He's behind this big desk waiting for this particular appointment to be over with so He can move on with His day like God had 'days.' And then I'm reminded 'pray without ceasing.' Converse without ceasing. When our human minds run out of things to talk about, we can always find something to say 'thank you' for.


Giving thanks is what opens our eyes to a world of 'happy.' We begin to thank God that we can walk, instead of complaining how we wish our legs were thinner/muscular/more tan. We thank Him for food, instead of being upset that what we're eating doesn't fulfill our craving at the moment. For a house, instead of being mad that we have to clean it.

I know how hard life can be. I in no way to claim to have it as hard as some do. I'm not saying sadness is a sign of ingratitude. Sadness can be an intense and very real emotion. What I'm going through right now causes me great sadness, so being thankful for the little things, is like a little bit of pain killer.

For some reason we think that we have to be super spiritual in our thanksgiving. That if we don't mention the 'big' things then we are not truly grateful for them. But I believe every opportunity is one to give thanks. Let me show you.

Thank You God for:

My new orange pants
Pony tail holders
Honey mustard
Flip flops
Toddler laughs
Fuzzy headed baby
The ability to read and write
Ice water
Nail polish
Couch pillows.....

If you enjoy it even slightly, it's something to be thankful for. I'm learning to be still, and be thankful. It's a much better way to live while we're here. This life is difficult, harder for some more than others. But I still believe there is always something to be thankful for. I have to.


  1. This is wonderful. I am thankful that God put this on your heart to write. This is something we all need to be reminded of daily, hourly, minutely. With hard and almost impossible roads ahead of my sweet younger sister, it's hard to remember to say 'thanks' for all the health she still does, all the family surrounding us, and all the health the rest of my family has.

    Psalm 28:7
    The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

    Let all of our hearts leap for joy (I didn't do that on purpose!)

  2. Written like it was meant straight for my heart. I love this post! Today, I needed the reminder to be thankful, that giving thanks opens our eyes to a world of happy. I couldn't have put it better. :)

  3. Thanks you for bringing tears to my eyes remembering my little girls holding hands and being so sweet to each other. What a precious time you have in your kids life being able to raise them at home and not shuffle them off to daycare in such a hurried life. Its the hardest most exhausting thing you could choose for your family with less finances to go around but more moments like these to ponder, enjoy, and just be grateful!
